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Jar Candle Making with Soy Wax – Beginner to Intermediate

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Jar Candle Making with Soy Wax – Beginner to Intermediate

A comprehensive course on “How to make Amazing Jar Candles with Soy Wax“.

Hi i am Yatin Valecha, i have been making candles since 2019 and i have taught over 1000+ Candle Makers and helped them  create a Successful Candle Making Business.

In this course, you will be provided with detailed knowledge on How to make a perfect Jar Candle by covering important topics such as How to select perfect wicks, perfect wick placement, fragrance oil ratio, temperatures etc.

After this course, you will be able to start your own Candle Making Business without any challenge.

You will need following items for this course :

Course Content

PDFs & Whatsapp Group
Candle Making Kit
Topic 1 - Understanding different type of waxes.
Topic 2 - Tools Required for Candle Making
Topic 3 - Understanding Importance of Candle Wicks.
Topic 4 - Understanding How To Stick Wicks In The Jar
Topic 5 - Understanding Soy V 555 Wax & It's Characteristics.
Topic 6 - Understanding Safety Guidelines While Using Embeds In Candles.
Topic 7 - Let Us Pour Our First Candle.

How can I help you? :)
